Friday, April 20, 2012

Play time

Every Friday my class has an hour of fun class. This week, since the weather was gorgeous, it was park day. We walked across the street and spent an hour playing on all the slides and bridges and soaking up the sunshine we'd been missing for the past couple of months. Fresh air and no books? Yes, please! My kids LOVED it (almost as much as I did). Here are some of my favorite photos from this afternoon.

I don't think I have ever seen these little rascals so worn out since I met them. It was the perfect Friday afternoon to remind me how much fun can be had in one small square of a park.

My favorite hand to hold.

Until next time, in the words of Olivia...

1 comment:

  1. How fun! And your kids are sooooo cute!!! :) I'm so happy spring is here.
