Friday, November 23, 2012


I spent my Thanksgiving night with two of my closest girlfriends in Seoul, at my favorite cafe eating yummy paninis and talking about what we are thankful for. Although it was different than any other Thanksgiving thus far, I am thankful for this day, just as much as any other.

Here's my list:

I am thankful for...

1. Family

If there is anything that makes you miss your mom when you're sick, or your dad's funny jokes, it's moving a million miles away from them. I'd gotten used to living in a different city than my parents, but a different continent is whole new ball game.  I am so thankful to have such supporting parents who we're by my side every step of the way. Thankfully, I also have my family here in Korea as well. I am thankful to have such adventurous siblings who I could share the experience of Korea with.

2. Friends

I have always felt blessed by the friends that I surround myself with. They are the ones that I share my laughter with, and cheer me up when I'm having a bad day. I am thankful for the new friends I have made in Korea, and also for the strength of the old ones -- not weakened by time zones and time differences. I am thankful for those who wake up early and stay up late to talk with me about the random every day run ins of eachothers lives.

3. Courage

This year I am thankful for the courage it took to make the move to Korea. It wasn't easy leaving everything I was used to and coming out here, but I am so glad that I did. It was an experience I will never forget and has changed me for the better. I feel like I have a better understanding of a new culture, the world, and myself. I am thankful that I had the courage to get myself to the life that I live today.

4. Health

I am thankful to be healthy. Sometimes I take my health for granted, not really appreciating the things my body can do when I take good care of it. When a cold/flu does roll in, I am immediately reminded of the harsh reality that health is fragile and I need to be thankful everyday for never having to deal with any major problems with it.

5. The little things

I don't exactly know how to label the last thing I am thankful for, but I think this sums it up. I am thankful for the little things. I am thankful for the extra long hugs that my students have been giving me all week. I am thankful for the big numbers in my savings account, and the small numbers of my travel countdown. I am thankful that the only tears falling from my eyes are from laughing too hard. I am thankful that with the click of a button, Skype lets me see my family and friend's faces. I am thankful for the people who send me postcards, because they know how much I love them. I am thankful for those who wished me a Happy Thanksgiving, even though I spent mine on a different continent, in a different time zone than them. I am thankful for the kind Korean strangers, who have helped me when I was in need. I am thankful for the gorgeous yellow leaves that have rained down from the trees all throughout my neighborhood. I am thankful for my teachers I had when I was young, for I now appreciate what they did for me more than ever. I am aware of the bad things, which let me truly be thankful for the good. I am thankful for all four of the seasons I lived through, and I am thankful for all the great memories I made in this beautiful city. I am thankful.

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