Thursday, March 15, 2012

Dongdaemun Craft Market

Last Saturday the girls are I headed out to Dongdaemun for the craft market. It's open Monday through Saturday, but since we work on the weekdays, Saturday was our only shot. I've been meaning to go and finally got out there to see what it's all about. It's definitely overwhelming to find and search through this giant building which seems to be abandoned, only to stumble into a random floor that comes to life. There were shops EVERYWHERE. Each stand had hundreds of little knicknacks and I could have been lost in this place for hours. Without anything specific in mind, it was hard to look for anything I needed -- so I only browsed. Kaylee and I bought some little things and made the colorful rings shown in the last picture. Once I organize my ideas and make a list, I will definitely be back at the craft market and ready to start crafting!

I made a turquoise flower ring and Kaylee made a pink and white 
Hello Kitty ring, both for under 2,000 won (less than $2.00).

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